Page 19 - Paratodos Marzo 2020
P. 19
MAMI cosas es verdadero. Tú sabes, como hablar tanto
encontré muy bacán
que se transforma en realidad.
¿Cuál ha sido tu secreto para descubrir tu
sueño y realizarlo profesionalmente a una
I feel like I’m just a person that is always very
confident myself. So I never paid attention to
like opinions, like really even if it’s someone im-
porque ahí se ve, se edad tan joven?
portant, I’m like: “Whatever” you know? That’s
nota and like transmit just my personality, I feel like siempre tienes que
to everybody that’s tener confianza en ti misma, that’s the only way
watching it like, el you are gonna be to get through that because
poder que todas las I think there’s a point in everybodys life. Being
mujeres en la vida a celebrity and stuff, you have like a moment of
tienen, you know. insecurity and everything, and you have just to
like, get through that to get to the point where
¿Qué es lo que viene you love yourself so much that nobody can say
para ti? you anything.
Sacando mucha músi
ca, eso es lo que se Hablamos sobre tu estilo personal…
viene. No puedo de- ¿Siempre te gustó la moda?
cir nada más excepto Estoy igual. Igual. Yo maduré mucho en mi cara,
eso. like learning how to make my makeup and e-
verything, got better face wise, pero like, cómo
¿Cuándo firmaste tu me vestía igual. Igual. I wear more basketball
contrato con la dis- shorts, you know. Pero me vestía igual, I was al-
quera? ways a tomboy so, it wouldn’t be like: “Ah.” No,
Yo creo que cuando siempre era como este estilo porque siempre
estaba como a punto me gustaba estar cómoda. En Chile siempre,
de terminar el colegio, por todo el mundo, por todo el mundo. Like it
High School, 2018 es was a period of time when I was in high school
cuando me gradué en where I maybe a month tried to be very girly. I
Chile y ahí es cuando was like: “No. No, definitely not” and I went back
estaba terminando to myself, you know. But yeah, even en Chile I
el colegio yo estaba wear. One time I was at the doctor in Chile and
como que ¿Ya qué I got confused for a boy, by my own doctor. He
voy hacer? Porque was like: “Nice job, son.” I was like: “Excuse me?
todos preguntan: I’m your patient and you don’t even know what
“¿Qué vas a hacer?” Y gender I am?” (risas).
yo no les contestaba
porque siempre en ¿Cómo describirías tener tanta certeza en tu
mi mente era: “Quiero música y estilo personal?
ser cantante”. Y obvia- I never went through the process of like seems
mente si tú estás en things like my style, my personality, everything
el colegio, cualquier I never went to the process of like doubting my-
niña dice: “Quiero self, didn’t know which what I wanna to be, who
ser cantante”. Es like, I wanna to people to see or what type of music
okay, sure. You know? I want to do. I was new since the beginning and
So, eso era siempre lo that’s why Sony always was like: “Oh man, we
que yo pensaba en like you ‘cause we already come ready”. Like, you
mi mente y después know? ‘Cause usually people have to like mold
cuando ya había casi someone, so that they can figure it out what
terminado el colegio they wanna do or like help you find your sound
pasó lo de la canción and stuff. Obviously I feel like am not, obviously
y justo todo coincidió, I’ m not at the point ‘cause of evolution every-
y ya estuve firmada body. Like I’m this first station of Pokemon then
con Sony antes de I evolved, you know? I feel like I’m still the same
que termine High always, always been and I never really had trou-
School. ble finding myself.
¡Es como una histo- Sigan a Paloma Mami
ria de Hadas!
Yeah, it was really
crazy. Sí, decretar las