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Read your Horoscope!

ARIES (March 21 ? April 19)

The fall season will bring you many insights into yourself and other people. Whereas you might have blamed others or coincidence for past events in your life, you will begin to see a significant pattern in the rhythm of your life. No longer a victim of circumstances, you will be able to take the reins and make a positive impact upon your circumstances and those of the people around you. Your ability to be direct, clear, precise, and simultaneously diplomatic will ?create peaceful and harmonious situations. Assess your options, think strategically, and proceed accordingly. You are experiencing important transformations in all of your important relationships while the karmic planet ?Saturn travels through your opposing sign of Libra until 2012.

TAURUS (April 20 ? May 20)

While your planetary ruler, Venus, is retrograde from October 8 to November 18, 2010, you will think about and encounter people from your past. You will have the opportunity to see these individuals from a new perspective. Your present-day reactions may differ from ?those you have had in the past. Enjoy all new experiences with ?past associates as you re-visit them in the present moment. Find ways that you can mutually support each other. And consider where you may expand your boundaries and definition of who is acceptable for you to have in your life. Many new and beneficial people would like to enjoy your talents and share their gifts with you. Make sure to give as you receive.

GEMINI (May 21 ? June 21)

Use the coming months to narrow your focus upon your most important goals and pay attention to details as your planetary ruler, Mercury, enters a productive phase from late September to early December 2010. During this phase of the year, you will be able to complete important projects and initiate new ones. It is a good time to focus on health, diet, exercise, and family relationships. As you tune into and learn to understand others, you not only will feel good about yourself and gain greater self-understanding, but you will give others the gift of self-esteem. This win-win situation will bring many positive emotional experiences to you. From the positive feelings will come increased financial and business opportunities and a more peaceful and harmonious domestic living situation.

CANCER (June 22 ? July 22)

The Full Moon of October 22 will energize your hopes and aspirations. This auspicious planetary alignment will give you the light, enthusiasm, and hope to proceed on a plan that you may have thought was out of reach in the past. You will discover the value of visualization, affirmation, prayer and persistence in your quest to manifest what you would like to create in your life. Whether it be a relationship, sense of security, business idea or beautiful home, you have the tools within your own mind to create what you need as the light of the full moon boosts your self-confidence and your can-do spirit. You are a resourceful individual with a powerful connection to your soul through your strong emotions. With Saturn in Libra, you have an opportunity to manifest peace and harmony in your domestic environment. Follow your intuition and take action to improve your living situation.

LEO (July 23 ? August 22)

You will have the resources to create greater peace and harmony at home and work during the fall season. Focus on one area you would like to change or improve upon every day. Visualize what you would like to create. Pray for spiritual guidance and support. Take action that supports the direction ?you would like to go. As you feel you are manifesting your dreams and desires, invite others to share in your accomplishments. The positive reinforcement you will receive when others affirm your achievements will be the icing on the cake, and will make you feel as if your efforts have been worthwhile. Acknowledgment from others is the key ingredient to your ability to feel positive, productive, and motivated.

VIRGO (August 23 ? September 22)

You will feel a burst of positive energy for the 52 days after your birthday that will fuel your entrance into the autumn season. Every year, you are under a positive solar influence for 7-and-a-half weeks after your birthday as you receive a positive infusion of solar light at the moment the Sun returns to the place it was at your birth every year. This annual gift enables you to plan for the year ahead, and make the most of the increased level of opportunity and good fortune available to you at this time of year. Open yourself to receive positive gifts from the universe. Don?t turn any opportunities away. And make sure to save information that will be useful to you at a later date, when a slower pace of activity sets in when Mercury turns retrograde from December 10 to 29, 2010.

LIBRA (September 23 ? October 23)

The passage of Saturn through Libra until 2012 will help you to bring balance to any unbalanced situations. You may notice that the women in your life are acting in a more masculine manner and that the men in your life are assuming more feminine roles as everyone seeks balance and equality. That which has been up will come down, and that which has been down will come up. You will notice more people struggling for fairness in your life and throughout the world under the influence of karmic Saturn through the balanced sign of Libra. As you are an expert in fairness, people will consult you about how to bring justice to ?a diverse array of situations. Maintain objectivity and equipoise as you go through challenging circumstances. Your impartial perspective is a gift you are ready to share.

SCORPIO (October 24 ? November 21)

You will feel at a pinnacle of physical, mental and emotional strength with loving Venus in Scorpio from now until January 7, 2011. The unusual length of this celestial transit is due to the once-every-two year retrograde of the planet of love. You will benefit from this celestial transit as your Scorpio Sun is supported by the loving vibrations of the planet of peace, love, harmony, beauty and balance. Many people will be attracted to you as you bring these beautiful qualities to bear on all of your human relations between now and the end of the year. ?Enjoy the attention and activity bestowed upon you. You also will experience the fortunate passage of the Sun through Scorpio in late October and November, and the energizing effect of Mars in Scorpio from September 14 to October 27, 2010.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 ? December 21)

Your planetary ruler, Jupiter, in the spiritual sign of Pisces until January 22, 2011, will strengthen the positive benefits of all of your spiritual efforts. While you will reap positive rewards from traveling to gain spiritual information, you will reap even greater rewards at this time by staying home, or at least in one location, to focus on a spiritual practice such as meditation or prayer. Movement is important to inspire you, but stillness will provide you the answers to all of the questions that have perpetually perplexed you. Contemplate the Biblical quote, ?Be still and know that I am God.? See how this spiritual teaching applies to your own life. This is an auspicious time to find the answers you have been seeking inside yourself ? by ?listening to inner premonitions and guidance, by silencing the mind, and listening to your soul.

CAPRICORN (December 22 ? January 19)

The passage of Mars through Capricorn later this year will give you the opportunity to complete projects begun as long as two years ago. Until then, practice stillness and contemplation as you wait for clarity. Circumstances will stabilize and return to a cadence you can appreciate after your next birthday. There have been many changes in your life and to the world around you. Witness the activity and energy around you and postpone definite decisions until you have greater consistency and further information upon which to base your decisions. You are a strategic thinker and your Number 1 requirement is constancy and reliability. That quality will come early next year, and you will have the stamina to deal with the secure opportunities that are presented to you at that time.

AQUARIUS (January 20 ? February 18)

The fall season will usher in a period of positive change. All changes undertaken with a positive attitude are destined to bring positive transformation to your life. Carefully contemplate modifications you are considering. Think strategically about long-range consequences of all decisions. Even though you enjoy being in the moment, the alterations you are currently considering will have a long-term impact upon you. Think about every decision from as many angles as possible. Given that the impact is bound to be positive, try to maximize the positive potential of all opportunities that come your way.

PISCES (February 19 ? March 20)

The movement of your planetary ruler, Neptune, through the humanitarian sign of Aquarius is opening your heart and mind to new ways of interacting with others. As you engage in this process, fortify your connection with your soul through daily contemplation, meditation and prayer. Being in or near water also soothes your senses and helps you to reconnect with the watery vibration that pervades your consciousness. Water is the strongest element of all in nature ? water puts out fire, erodes a stone, and dampens the air. Use your all-pervading power to harmonize within yourself and bring this loving, soothing energy to others. The planetary conjunction ?on September 18, 2010, and January 4, 2011, of lucky Jupiter in Pisces with Uranus, the planet of change, will bring fortunate circumstances for positive transformation of your life.

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