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Annual Forecast: Horoscope


Horoscope by Laurie Baum

ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

You enjoy variety and change, and 2013 will not disappoint you as change-oriented Uranus moves through Aries throughout the year. You will be pleasantly surprised by the destinations you reach through serendipity. May and October hold the greatest potential for transformational change due to a series of eclipses. Think about new directions you might like to go—the energy for change will be abundantly available. Consider conservative investments to safeguard money that may have come from an unexpected source—or inherited from a special relative. The passage of karmic Saturn through Scorpio in 2013 also will challenge you to slow down and cut back on extraneous activities to preserve good health. Mars in Aries from March 11 to April 20, 2013 will give you extra stamina to make the most of transformational opportunities coming your way.


TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)

Good news will come to you when loving Venus crosses through Taurus from April 14 to May 9. Mars in Taurus from April 20 to May 31 will give you the stamina to make headway on a project that had been stalled. Relationships will be highlighted from April 20 to May 9. You can expect the greatest return on your personal, professional, and financial investments during this 19-day period. Karmic Saturn in your opposing sign of Scorpio throughout 2013 will enable you to make commitments to people you care about. If people close to you are not acting in your highest good, you will benefit from a parting of ways. Eclipses on April 25 and May 10 will bring new partnership opportunities. The new people in your life will show you what was not working in another relationship you had been unable to let go of. The quick pace of events in 2013 will teach you to ignore those events that do not directly pertain to you. It is not time to become involved in activities that are tangential to the important goals you are pursuing. Harmonious relationships, artistic surroundings, and healthy food are the areas you should concentrate on in 2013.


GEMINI (May 21 – June 21)

The passage of karmic Saturn through Scorpio in 2013 will enable you to streamline your daily routines to become more efficient. Pay attention to the signals your body sends so you will find what you need to perform most efficiently. Diligent efforts to improve your health will be worth it. You will experience an improved sense of wellbeing when you treat health matters in a responsible, realistic, and pragmatic manner. Simplicity may be the key to your healing process. Be aware of the need to slow down, rest. and rejuvenate when your planetary ruler, Mercury, turns retrograde in late February-March, late June-July, and late October-November. Lucky Jupiter in Gemini until June 25 will spiritually protect you and enable you to use your mental faculties to your greatest advantage.


CANCER (June 22 – July 22)

The movement of fortunate Jupiter through Cancer will buoy your spirits in 2013. Lucky Jupiter spends one year in Cancer every 12 years. Jupiter was last in Cancer from July 12, 2001, to August 1, 2002. Jupiter will re-enter your sign on June 25, 2013 and remain there until July 16, 2014. This planetary transit will strengthen your intuition and your feeling of being safe in the environment in which you live. You also will have a special flair with financial resources, even if everyone else is down on their luck. Examine your budget and make decisions sensibly, but with confidence that everything will be okay. [Silvia, you can delete the rest of this paragraph if the entries are too long) You also will feel sensitive to a series of 5 eclipses that will grace the skies in 2013. A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on April 25, 2013 will enable you to see a friend in a new light. A New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus on May 10, 2013 will put a new female friend onto your path. A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on May 25, 2013 will enable you to let go of attachment to a material possession that you have become overly attached to. A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on October 18, 2013 may temporarilty excite your nerves, but the outcome will be positive. And a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on November 3, 2013 will ask that you care for a child or someone less fortunate.


LEO (July 23 – August 22)

There will be two turning points in your year under the influence of the solar eclipses on May 10 and November 3, 2013. During the two weeks before and after these celestial events, you will make major decisions affecting your home and your work. If you are contemplating a move or looking for a new job, the greatest number of new influences will be coming into your life at these points in time. Be ready to have fun in April and October, and take care of your health in late May and June. A life-changing relationship is coming into your life after your next birthday.


VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

The spiritual side of your nature will come to the fore in 2013 under the influence of dreamy Neptune in your opposing sign of Pisces. You will become aware of aspects of people you previously had not recognized. Simultaneously you will access deep reservoirs of forgiveness and acceptance within yourself. You normally view yourself and others with a critical eye. This is a time to relax your focus and allow others to be themselves. By practicing non-judgment, you may find that other people pick up on your positive vibrations and react lovingly toward you. Mercury retrograde in late February-March, late June-July, and late October-November will give you respites from the hectic pace you’ve been following. Allow space between activities so your nervous system can recover so you can become calm and centered to experience the bright side of life.


LIBRA (September 23 – October 23)

The highlight of your year will come when your planetary ruler, Venus, travels through Libra from August 16 to September 10. During this period, you and others will see only the best in each other. A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on October 18 will challenge you to integrate a less pleasant side of a relationship into your awareness. Your ability to consider the relationship from a more realistic point of view will put you on more solid footing in every aspect of your life. An experience in March and April will make more sense when you assume this integrated point of view. It’s not easy for you to view disagreeable aspects of reality, but knowing how to deal with these elements of the world around you will put you in a powerful position for the next phase of your life. [Silvia, the rest of this paragraph can be deleted if it’s too long)A fortuitous alignment of lucky Jupiter in Cancer, karmic Saturn in Scorpio, and spiritual Neptune in Pisces in mid-July will help you connect with people who can support your work toward idealistic goals.


SCORPIO (October 24 – November 21)

The passage of karmic Saturn through Scorpio until 2015 will help you simplify and streamline so you can focus on those things that are important to you. You have a laser-like focus when a person or cause captures your attention. This is a year to concentrate on what interests you—because you have the potential to make great progress on what you believe in. Clear away extraneous activities and do what you love to enable your expertise to develop. A tendency to worry about finances or relationships in 2013 will give way to a peaceful spiritual reality when you spend time alone, take a deep breath, and mentally and emotionally step back.


SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)

Lucky Jupiter in your opposing sign of Gemini until June 25 will raise your spirits and sense of optimism throughout the first half of 2013! Yet, with your sign of Sagittarius sandwiched between karmic Saturn in Scorpio and depth-seeking Pluto in Capricorn on the zodiac wheel, you may find yourself periodically plunged into existential questioning. So, when you will feel pulled between extremes of introspection and intense external activity, try to find your calm center through deep contemplation, meditation, and prayer. In making important decisions, if you feel viewing a matter from a superficial perspective is best, you will benefit from relying on your naturally optimistic, expansive nature. If you feel searching beneath the surface is more appropriate, however, it will be best for you to examine details and prepare for a more sober reality. Ultimately, you will avoid the disappointment of over-inflated expectations and experience greater happiness with your scaled-down expectations.


CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)

Pluto in Capricorn in 2013 will enable you to access deep resources in yourself than you previously had not accessed. These resources could be financial, professional, emotional, or mental. Practice positive thinking so you will pave the way for the expression of these latent qualities in yourself. Hidden talents are most likely to express in May and November when individualistic Uranus in Aries squares resourceful Pluto in Capricorn. You are in a long-term process of revamping your style of being in the world. Your new “self” will emerge by 2015. The communications planet Mercury in Capricorn from December 31, 2012 to January 19, 2013 will get your year off to a good start. And a fortuitous alignment of lucky Jupiter in Cancer, karmic Saturn in Scorpio, and spiritual Neptune in Pisces in mid-July will help you relax and see the bright side of life.


AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

You will be a favorable influence upon people discussing a forward-thinking idea versus an entrenched past pattern. As an Aquarian, you are prepared to be a leader in the dawning Age of Aquarius. Your natural grasp of the need for human brotherhood, the global community, and the role of technology in facilitating a higher age of progress. It is important that you express your humanistic views in a firm but understanding way. Take advantage of opportunities to humanize technology and help others learn how to productively use electronics. Karmic Saturn in Scorpio combined with Mars in Aquarius from December 25, 2012 to February 1, 2013 may challenge a family relationship. But practice spiritual qualities of honesty, compassion, and understanding to arrive at a higher plane of thinking. From this perspective, many previously impossible goals will become possible.


PISCES (February 19 – March 20)

Energetic Mars in Pisces from February 1 to March 11, 2013 combined with compassionate Neptune in Pisces will enable you to make a heroic contribution to a charitable cause. You often dream of making a difference in the lives of others. This is an opportunity to assert yourself in a situation that matters. Even against all odds, your idealism will prevail as the new year of 2013 gets underway. A fortuitous alignment of lucky Jupiter in Cancer, karmic Saturn in Scorpio, and spiritual Neptune in Pisces in mid-July will create the consciousness of a higher spiritual reality. You will feel right at home with the “grand trine” (triangle) of water signs, and will easily flow with a less materialistic reality.


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